A private Haunted Mansion event room at a Monster Mini Golf location.

Indoor Kid’s Birthday Party Activity Ideas

Birthdays are special milestones, particularly for children. Kids love traditional birthday celebration customs, such as having a birthday cake, blowing out candles, and opening presents. Kids also love hosting a party where they’re the guest of honor.  Coming up with kids’ birthday party activities can be tricky and time-consuming. The thought of having a house…

The glow-in-the-dark entrance to a Monster Mini Golf indoor golf course.

Fun Indoor Activities When It’s Hot Outside

It’s natural to long for the warmth of summer during the cold winter months. Still, summer weather often presents its own challenges. Record-setting heat waves make it hard to plan and enjoy outdoor activities. Extreme heat exposure can cause heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, posing severe health risks for the young, the elderly, those pregnant, and people with chronic health problems. Even teenagers and younger adults who are healthy can suffer from heat-related health problems.